Blueleaf and Ontex partner up for World Continence Week 2022

This year to support World Continence Week, Blueleaf partnered with Ontex to create the Continence Care Roadshow, that took us across the UK in our very own ice cream van.
World Continence Week is a health campaign run every year by WFIPP (World Federation of Incontinence and Pelvic Problems) to raise awareness of continence related issues, and this year, the awareness campaign ran from Monday 20th June – Sunday 26th June.

In an NHS England report titled ‘Excellence in Continence Care’ published in 2018, it was estimated that more than 50% of care home residents have urinary incontinence. With such a high number of residents living with a requirement for continence care, it is essential that care homes are aware of the best solutions available to help maintain dignity and independence where possible.
That is why, in line with World Continence Week, we teamed up with Ontex to embark on a five-day roadshow, touring the UK to visit a variety of care homes in our very own ice cream van!

Swanton Care, East Anglia
The Continence Care Roadshow
Driving across the UK we visited various care homes to not only serve staff and residents the perfect treat for a summer’s day, but also share our knowledge and boost awareness of all the key solutions that help to support continence care.
Joining the roadshow was an Ontex Nurse Advisor, who together with the Blueleaf team, was on hand to discuss the other ways we can support care homes, with education and training for staff, as well as offering advice on how continence care and any associated costs can be effectively managed in every care home.
The importance of Continence Care
There are many different solutions available that have been designed to make continence care as comfortable as possible for the resident, and as functional as possible for care home employees.
But as we all know, every resident is unique and this means that more often than not, they will not all require the same continence care solution. Navigating the vast range of continence care products can be confusing, which is why on our roadshow, we talked about all the different products that are available and the situations for which they are most appropriate.
Choosing the right products for your residents is not only essential for making sure that your residents are happy and comfortable, but the right product can help you to work smarter and be more efficient – which we know is crucial when time is so valuable.